To Joseph, whom we dearly miss

I didn’t know Joseph so well
But what I did know I will tell

He would always greet you with the warmest welcome
His open smile would tell you, everything you needed to know

Since I’d met him he’d changed quite a lot
From a quiet young man he’d bloomed into whom he would become

It looked like for him things came easy
But in reality
He would practice for hours

To get to the precise move
The exact gesture
He would lose his sleep
To find the exact texture

Hard won talent, beautiful passion
Created millimeter by millimeter by his all-powerful dedication

Maybe sometimes he struggled
But most of the time he juggled

But as a witness I must say
What I saw there was not all happiness
In his eye there was that sad twinkle
As if he knew his destiny

So on that fateful day
He went to find the sea
That great power
Full of strength and absurdity

Because she is a cruel mistress
Who cannot share and only takes
And left our Joseph
Juggling with the fish
And Dancing with the waves